May 19, 2010 22:24
The problem with free time was that it made her mind wander. Lately, her focii been stressors: personal issues, her social life, the way her knee started aching every time she felt tense. The latter meant dancing it out was not an option. The fact that she didn't have a specific social issue to address meant she couldn't hug it out. This left her with exactly one option: to bake the stress out.
An hour into her free time found her wandering down to Engineering, brownies frosted, already sliced, and still warm in their little tin. If she were being honest with herself -- which she wasn't -- she was hoping to gain a conversation with Scott out of it. As it stood, she was using the 'spreading some sweet-tooth cheer.' Or looking for him. One of the two.
timeline: day 42,
!nonmission post,
character: scott,
character: chapel,
location: engineering deck