Medbay - open

Aug 17, 2009 14:05

The med bay was quiet as Sam walked in for her shift, she looked around to see if anyone would need any help with anything but it was a pretty empty place. With nothing else to do Sam went to her desk and looked over some of the charts and reports that needed attention. Doing this didn’t take too long but wasn’t what you’d call fun or exciting. After finishing that Sam sighed looking around again as if there would be a case to work on but nope. She sat silently for a few more minutes hoping something would happen but nothing did.

Sam ended up finding herself a medical journal to read on her PADD, the article was over spine trauma and soon she was zeroed in on the PADD taking notes and rereading parts of the journal to make them clearer. There was nothing like a good medical journal in the morning…afternoon…night? Sam shrugged after forgetting what time it was she sat her PADD down and stretched.

Well what now? She asked herself and spun around in the chair a few times.

!nonmission post, timeline: day 02, location: med bay, character: chekov, character: jovan

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