Quote probably wasn't expecting to meet a talking dolphin on some kind of spider-legged mechanical walking harness, but that was totally what happened.
"Oh, an AI! Don't sssee many of your k-kind around here."
No, Quote had not expected to see that at all, but he's learned that the world often holds the unexpected, especially when one lacks memories or experience in it.
"Is that... so? That is... perhaps for the best... as those I know... besides myself... and Curly... are not friendly."
Sah'ot made a dismissive wave of his fin. Pa-leez. "You don't get t-to be linguissst and first c-contact expert aboard a Terragens Council Ship without noticing thingsss like that." Really it had been an educated guess. "I'll jussst have to teach you a language where the pauses add meaning."
There's a very faint flicker in Quote's eyes -- the idea of a new language is very alluring. After all, the more you knew, the better chance you'd avoid running into someone you couldn't communicate with.
"I... would be... very appreciative... if you would. I do... not know... any other... languages, and... learning them... would be... nice."
"Galac-ctic four and one have them but I don't know if anyone outside my universsse speaks them. The Fay'lia language hasss glottal stops too. Confusing for sssomeone coming from an indo-european language but I suspect-t it won't be a problem for you." He gesticulated with his waldo arms, illustrating the flow of squawky gal4, mechanical gal1 and flowing Fay'lia.
Quote listens carefully as Sah'ot speaks the languages, a very faint frown crossing his face. While he could register the sounds fine, he couldn't understand them, nor could he reproduce them -- not with how damaged his vocal processor was now, at least.
"Oh, an AI! Don't sssee many of your k-kind around here."
"Is that... so? That is... perhaps for the best... as those I know... besides myself... and Curly... are not friendly."
"The maintenance here c-could use some work. Ssspeaking of which, looks like your vocal processor's busted."
"You are... the first... to notice, however. I believe most... assume... I chose to... speak this way... or was... built to... speak this way."
"I... would be... very appreciative... if you would. I do... not know... any other... languages, and... learning them... would be... nice."
"I... see."
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