Oct 08, 2007 09:47
Well Eric started work today and he seemed really pumped up about it. I always have mixed feelings when he goes back after a break, even if this break was a very unplanned one. I miss him as I have gotten used to having him here to talk to and do stuff with...lol
I know we need the money and have to make a living, but... groan... I really wish we could do it together :)
Perrin being here has made a BIG difference, I do have someone to play with all day and he is SO much fun... A truely happy baby and for the most part very easy(he has his moments like any of us)... I am blessed!
Perrin however also misses Daddy, he is so used to having us both and gets a bit greedy about it **giggle**
On another front I am currently putting together a business plan for a dairy goat operation, in hopes of getting a loan for some land, more goats, and a small dairy facility. I am going to be posting my plans and thoughts on this and would appreciate feed back from my friends.
Has anyone seen or heard from LadyStorm lately? I need to talk to her...
Thats all for now folks!