So I've been Tagged....

Oct 01, 2005 13:18

I was tagged by peachtess for this so hear goes:

1. Children love me. They are mezmorized by me. I don't understand it. They can be having a tantrum to end all tantrums, and when I come into the room, they calm down.

2. I'm not as much of a geek as everyone things I am. I just remember what my geek/sci-fi/fantasy friends talk about, and contribute to other conversations. Mostly because Sci-Fi books tend to bore me. Mostly because if you haven't seen a show from the beginning, trying to tune in mid-way through season 3 is a bit tough.

3. My grandmother gave me a teaddy bear when I was 10 or 12. His name is Peanut Jelly Butter. She passed away the next year. I still have that bear.

4. I got my first tattoo on Mother's day 2 years ago. It's an Amy Brown-inspired faery on my right calf. She'll eventually be finished. My next tattoo will incorporate a Greek Key design in honour of my father.

5. The online name I used the most was Pandora. In High School, friends of mine and I were very into Anne Rice vampires, and one day, my friend Dana gave everyone their Vampire name. She was going to make me Akasha, but I didn't want to be Akasha cause she dies in the books. So she said I reminded her of Pandora, so that was my name. And it's possibly the most fitting nickname I've ever had. I'm such a trouble-maker.

6. Enozgirl comes from the fact that I'm a chick, and the website I have is Enoznuf, which is funzone spelled backwards.

7. I was always alergic to cats until I got my own. I haven't been bad since. Dogs still bother me, though. I wasn't allergic to dogs until I went away to college.

8. I have to read a series from start to finish. Even if the books don't necessarially go in order, or have anything to do with each other. When I find an author I like, I try to get the first book they did, and read from there.

9. I didn't know how to use this lj-cut thing until I got tagged.

10. My eyeballs are HUGE. An old friend calls them "disney eyes", because my eyes are GROTESQUELY BIG and freakish, like a disney character's eyes.

11. I've only had 4 serious boyfriends my whole life.

12. I read unnaturally fast. When I fly, I have to bring one book for going and one book for coming back, as I'm always done with the first one by the time I get to my destination. Thank the gods for the Library :)

13. When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut more than anything. I was so mad when Sally Ride was the first American woman in space, because I thought that it was going to be me.

14. I love to scuba dive, but I hate getting out to the spot and back in. I tend to get sea sick, especially when I'm wearing all my gear. But I have no problem being 90+ feet below the surface. I always wanted to be a mermaid when I was little, so this fulfills that dream.

15. Learing to rid the motorcycle was probably the HARDEST thing I've ever done.

16. I nearly threw up at communion, and made my confirmation in a cast. I am so worried as to what's going to happen when I get initiated!!!

17. If I hold something that someone has been wearing (jewelry, typically) I can tell you what they're feeling, sometimes even where they are, and something that will happen to them soon. And I'm usually right.

18. I still sleep with a teddy bear. My current bear of choice is Topher, who's been with me since college and was given to me by a dear, dear person that I lost track of (who was also a Topher, but not the Topher who's moved to CO and decided he doesn't want to speak to his friends anymore. He's a twirp.)

19. I hate my feet.

20. My nails grow like weeds. They always have. If I chop them off today, by Tuesday they'll start to affect my typing.

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