{Ash} Step your asses outside the damn circle

Aug 29, 2005 14:15

I realize now why it is that Grey and Odin sought to keep me away from others of my people. Strong and as undeniable as the silver forced thru my wrists is the blazing fact that the People are no different from any others, and will put saving their own precious hides above those of another. Pretty speeches and what not, let’s save the children and the old folks - we can’t do this, blah, blah, blah. Now, dont get me wrong, I had no problem with the decision made, as I would have rather fought then let it come back and bite usin the ass later, though Im never happy with the idea of dying. But the fucking pretenses definatley need to go - none of this women and children and old fogies bullshit. If youre going to fight - fight, and do it because we are what we are and this is what we were ment to do - dont do it for that shit. On the other hand, signing the contract and doing our best to build power. But who knows now?

I would like to point out that when it came down to the danger and actually getting it done, those same people wouldn’t step a worthless foot outside of the circle. I know I was the first that 1000 Faces hit, though I stood unmoving. I also know that the damn wolf-blooded and that obnoxious boy from Rome, Axe’s younger brother, were the ones to take the damn cuffs off and pull the silver out of my wrists. And where the hell was everyone else? Standing inside the fucking binding circle, where Hayes definitely wasn’t going. Why? So that their damn asses weren’t on the fucking line.

So the call goes out that there are men in the woods, and the three of us who actually stood outside the circle and made the risk went to take care of it. And my ass got burnt as a result of it. So some smart ass decides to put the damn fire out, and buries the fire, and me under 2 tons of dirt. And for the record, I would rather deal with a lot of other things than be buried alive - there’s noting you can do about it - cant move - cant breathe, just hope that someone saw you fall and will dig you out.

Edge wants me to join his pack, saying that it’s better than running alone, and while that may be true, I’m not sure I really want to do that. It is safer than running alone…but maybe not…after all, when the shit hit the damn fan, where was he? Staying his ass in the circle. Chris? Running her ass away. Blackjack? Staying his ass in the circle. I sure as hell hope he doesn’t think that just because he knows everything about me that Odin did I’m just going to blindly follow. Well, he was right about one thing - maybe its time to re-evaluate presenting myself as being mute.
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