Jun 16, 2011 13:29

I made the power go out in our building by clicking on a button that looked like a lightswitch. You cannot tell me that was coincidence. It’s back on now.

I’ve been exhausted because I’ve been doing forced overtime since May. They fired our Media Archives Manager and needed to sop up some budget money with pay. Out of the 4 of us who work here one cannot do any overtime, one plays sick all of the time and is full time at 32 so she has to put in 8 hours plus in order to get the overtime pay, one is the manager and her paygrade tops her out and only being allowed to put in 5 extra hours a week. So it’s all up to me.

I’m not really complaining. I like the money. But I’m a bit tired of not being able to get any time to myself at home and any time to do anything that I would like to do.

SO, we hired a Media Archives Manager and he began last Thursday. Thursday was our blue badge manager’s birthday so it’s like she was given an employee for her birthday. On Friday one of our coworkers was gone. On Monday 2 of our coworkers was gone. So we had cake on Tuesday.
This was our cake-

We had given him full warning beforehand. And I mentioned I would have left his initial off of the badge if he had felt this was harassment :) However, I did color match his clothing that day (to the best of my ability).
Our blue badge manager was given the opportunity to chop his head off.

Evidently this was a voodoo cake. He was sick on Wednesday. He was sick today.
Guess who quit this afternoon.
That’s right I can control electricity and peoples minds.
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