Jan 31, 2006 02:45
Tonight was busy and productive. I stayed after work to cut some drawer parts. Got half way through that, then left to pick up The Egyptian to go climbing. I haven't climbed with her in a couple weeks, which seems like ages! Anyway, that went great, we climbed some pretty hard stuff and had fun... lots of visiting.
Then at about 10:30 I dropped her off and went back to work to cut up more drawer parts. Let's see; 11 drawers with 5 pieces at 3 cuts per equals 165 cuts! hmm Then 7 dado cuts per drawer equals 77 more cuts = 242 cuts. Plus the bottoms at about 2 or 3 cuts each.. somewhere around 270 cuts.
This is suddenly interesting (to me); I also made 39 doors, with a maple edge mitered around the perimeter at about 10-11 cuts per door, not including test cuts and mistakes, which there were a lot of (tests).. let's call it 450 more cuts. yikes! That's 720 so far!! Okay, now I'm boring myself here.
I'm contentedly sipping a beer now. And typing like a monkey. oo oo ee ee! 3:11 a.m.
A kitchen project, like life, can be daunting if everything is considered at once. So daunting. However, if we break it into manageable pieces, day by day, everything slowly falls into place. The results can be lovely.