to not crash and burn

Oct 16, 2006 17:27

the prof told us about this one time when he was approached by a MBA student regarding some very personal issues. the MBA candidate confessed that she/he had very low self esteem, and that everytime she/he gets on stage in front of an audience, she/he would loose it all because she/he'd feel she/he doesn't deserve any of this. Even tho she/he may appear fine on the outside, inside it's all a mess. the only advice my prof could give was for the person to seek professional help.
the prof then urged us to learn more about ourselves, be comfortable with ourselves and strive for authenticity in our speeches.

i was a bit surprised when i heard this, mainly by the fact that the person was a MBA student at a top tier school. the selection process is supposed to pick out those who will be ready to take on the challenge of managing corporate america n what not upon graduation, but how could the MBA candidate manage others when she/he couldn't even manage her/himself? somehow the numerous personal essays and letters of rec are just still not enough to tell us about an applicant's personality and mental maturity.
哈佛商学院新近出了本叫Alpha Male Syndrome的书, 讲的是那些工作能力超强但兼具毁灭性品质的人. 两位作者是这样说的:"We wrote this book because we have seen firsthand the paradox of alpha males: their magnificent strengths make them natural leaders, but their assets can turn into liabilities. Their confidence and competitive drive often erupts in cold, dominating, self-absorbed behavior, and they find it difficult to acquire the special skills that today’s businesses require-motivating, inspiring, teaching, communicating. Unfortunately, many executives let dysfunctional alpha males get away with abusive behavior because they produce results. They seriously miscalculate the long-term risks and rewards. It’s not a command-and-control world anymore. Success in a diverse, global business environment requires managers who inspire trust, respect and congenial relationships."

不知道有多少人, 几十年忙着努力学习工作, 却在达到一定事业高峰后才发现自己根本没准备好, 在瞬间就被压垮, 陷入严重的个人危机. 一个人到了那个时候才来关注自己的心理健康, 几十年累计的价值观和习惯都需要从新审视, 真是困难重重啊, 能成功的恐怕少之又少吧?

以前一直以为自信和好心情是建立在优秀成绩和出色表现之上, 现在看来那真是错得不能再错的想法. 情绪不稳定心情沮丧的话不管能力有多强也发挥不出来, 所以千万不能忽略了自己的心理成长. 多喝点心灵鸡汤吧, 呵呵...

上课去了, 回来再继续.

转载, 思绪, 心理, career, english, 中文

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