Mar 19, 2014 02:01
Every time I try and position myself comfortably before I write one of these it never works out. It angles my shoulder at an awkward pivot that's made when holding the screen adjacent to my face to look at what I'm typing; I really should type these out at a desktop but those aren't usually saavy when you're on the go or don't feel like going to the living room to start pressing keys the way Beethoven would one of his symphony's but with a melody a lot less calming and soothing to the rest of the people that are sleeping in this house. And there's nothing quiet about typing, and when you type fast each letter is even louder. And when it's midnight even louder. So ill stick to my iPhone til I get a laptop handy again and deal with my clavicle that will never be put at ease. But I have to say; for handicapping me the way he did I'm glad to say i at least beat the living shit out of that dumb ass mother fucker the way I never can again, in neither strength nor endurance, cause something on the left side of my body just doesn't feel the same anymore. The obviousness of the bone being broken is one thing (cause you will always see it ) but I feel no confidence in that arm at all and when I remember to I avoid using it so much. It tires quickly, strains, hard to feel very even at all with it actually. It throws off my whole virturvian figure which really pisses me off now that I think of it. But I've come to terms with being a gimp for the rest of my life.
Spit out something worthwhile. Like that will happen, already lost my train of thought and it looks like the next one rescheduled too. Until further notice all systems are down or at least that's the way I see it. With my phone at 3 percent I guess that's how everyone is gonna have to see it too cAuse there's no way im propping myself up against the wall and trying to hold this phone like a keyboard with the charger sticking out the end.
I'm over it all. I don't want to go. But it's hard to find value in anything. For me. I just don't see it. It's like everything's losing color. And taste. Things aren't funny. People aren't interesting. And I'm not trying to sound pompous. How quickly this became my memoirs. Could you imagine? Do you think? No one ever plans on it happening I'm sure which is why it's always such a shocker. But believe it or not I think I just made myself a candidate. Look on the bright side though, no actually don't. you don't always need to try and outweigh the good with the bad all you're doing is lying to yourself and making yourself sound like an idiot and I'm not sure what scale is being used cause it will never weigh out. It's just so strange. The things in life that you are told and stick out bear truth; for some reason you'll remember something someone said because it can be applied to the situation that reminded you of it. I always figured I'd go out young. But I wouldn't of guess this way.
via ljapp