Good Morning, Festering Guests~
The intercom wails, then falls silent in time to hear a swift pattering of small feet, the scraping of a chair or table, and high-pitched giggles in the background. Somebody taps the microphone before the voice of a young girl comes on.
- - -
It's been a long time, hasn't it? Way too long.
I'm soooo bored. Nobody's killed each other in awhile, no red's run down the walls, not even in the elevator shaft. Hee hee.... Big brother, you're the Host's little doggie, aren't you? You're too busy licking shoes and messes to spend time with me anymore. Is that fair? No, it's not. That's okay! I'll play with your guests, instead~
My Shed has lots of sharp, pointy garden tools, but it also has all sorts of seed packets. Don't you like flowers? I do, and these flowers are the best.
Just don't sniff too hard. The smell might go to your head.
- - -
The intercom gives one last, rather high-pitched wail before suddenly shutting down. No new file will be found on your laptop, for this is not an official announcement, and merely the NPC in question hacking into the intercom system.
And our resident, babyfaced poltergeist finally pays the Ravis Seur another visit, just as the hotel has become visible again. ♥
This time, she's not out for blood, guts, and chaos, since she learned the hard way that certain people running the hotel can keep her in check, if necessary. Instead, she's planted a variety of flowers and similar creepy crawly growing things that may drive people insane all over the town, but especially in various areas of the Hotel Ravis Seur. They tend to grow at an exponential rate, so you should be careful. If you're not, your room could be overrrun by the end of the week.
Here's a non-exhaustive list of species and effects:
Plant- symbolic meaning [Plant effects]
Yellow Acacia - secret love [falls in love with first person they see]
Wolfsbane -misanthropy [prompts violent feelings, and hatred toward every human being]
Adonis -sorrowful rememberance [brings back painful memories]
Althaea Frutex -persuasion [can be used to control others' minds]
Amaryllis -pride [believes they're God/superhuman, even without powers]
Garden Anemone - forsaken [feels detached from everyone, no matter how many people are around; apathetic]
Thorn Apple - deceitful charms [persuasion/seduction powers x9000]
Apocynum - deceit [forced to lie all the time]
Indian Azalea - true to the end [instant best friends with everyone]
Balsam - impatience [bitchy]
Barberry -sourness, sharpness, ill-temper [constantly irritated by everything]
Basil - hatred [obsessively hates first person or thing they see]
Begonia - dark thoughts [drives toward insanity]
Bilberry - treachery [plots to turn people against each other]
Birdsfoot Trefoil - revenge [if wish evil on others, it will come true]
Black Poplar - courage [bring about fearlessness; can become daredevil]
Borage - bluntness [truth serum]
Bramble - lowliness, envy, remorse [multiple personality disorder]
Thorns - severity, rigor [prompts to push oneself too hard]
Buckbean - calm, repose [drowsiness and/or fainting]
Rosebushes with the buds of white roses - a heart ignorant of love [amnesia only toward friends/loved ones; they seem like strangers]
Bugloss -falsehood [become perfect liar]
Champignon (mushrooms)- suspicion [paranoia to the point of thinking that everything and everyone is after them]
Yellow Chrysanthemum -slighted love [makes extremely sensitive, taking everything as an insult]
Cistus Gum - I shall die tomorrow [morbid thoughts and tendencies; possibly suicidal]
Cineraria - ever bright [your character now glows - softly during the day, brightly at night]
White Clover - think of me [speaking into blossom acts like magic intercom through town]
Cobaea - gossip [urge to gossip about anything- even going so far as to make up things that happened between people to add drama (get permission from the muns involved first, please)]
Coltsfoot - justice shall be done [ Can you say 'Light Yagami'? desire to expose the truth]
Creeping Cervus - horror [think of it as an acid trip gone wrong]
Dahlia - instability [irrational behavior, extreme mood-swings]
Red daisy - unconscious [passes out every so often, sleepwalks during that time]
Enchanter's Nightshade - fascination [sees hallucinations/mirages of the cracky variety]
French Marigold - jealousy [instant kleptomaniac (thief)]
Helenium - tears [constant tears, like with an onion, but 10x worse]
Hemlock - you will be my death [kills/severely injures/knocks out anyone who smells it]
Sensitive Plant - despotism [Can you say 'Lelouch Lamperouge'? makes others into slaves]
Indian Cress - warlike trophy [desire to claim people and things to prove their 'greatness']
Lobelia - malevolence [plays seriously harmful pranks/sets traps]
Meadow Saffron - My best days are past [reminisces about past, including dark secrets]
Mezereon - desire to please [follow first person they see and do anything to please them]
Moonwort - forgetfulness [instant amnesia]
Nettle Tree - conceit [makes obsessed with appearance]
Oleander - beware [afraid of one's own shadow, and probably everything else]
Pomegranate - foolishness [stupidification, ahoy!]
Scabious - unfortunate love [subject to Murphy's Law; whatever can go wrong, will]
Shamrock - light-heartedness [speak in Irish accent for no reason whatsoever]
Southernwood - jest, bantering [grants gift of gab; instant comedian]
Again, the list is not exhaustive, so feel free to add whatever species and effects you like. Just make sure to reply to this entry with what you've decided and where these flowers can be found for the benefit of your fellow muns. Here's a
map of the current accessible areas outside of the hotel for your convenience (for OOC use) as well as a
website with defined symbolic meanings for several kinds of flowers, to help you out in the case that you want to add your own flowers and effects.
Note: The length of the above-mentioned effects can vary for each character at their mun's discretion. Just go crazy with this and have fun~!
[ooc; If you have any questions or comments, reply to this entry but Out Of Character. Remember, this is an intercom message.]