Good Morning, Pawns Dear Guests!
The intercom turns on with an abrupt and high-pitched wail, it sounds almost as if somebody were screaming, but that can't be it, right? You hear the sound of something hitting the wall before the high-pitched sounds stop, then, a female voice comes on.
- - -
Oh my~ Two weeks, has it?
The Host sends their apologies, dear guests, but it took us quite a long time to find the antidote for BaSa~ Every time we had the antidote, it keep disappearing and appearing once again in the Apprentice's quarters, albeit shredded into little pieces and in his trash-can.
Silly, silly coincidence, no?
But do not fret! The antidote is here; YSIG is here~ ♥ Everything shall go back, far and ahead.
All shall go back to the way it used to be. Every little detail, from head to toe, inside and out, and most of all--
Teehee~ YSIG is currently being released as we speak, dear guests, and shall be taking effect in: one.
-The Manager
- - -
The intercom shuts down before you can hear the end of the announcement. If you check your laptop, you will find a copy of this announcement inside a file named 'Announcements' found on your desktop. Even though everything in strikes was muttered under the Manager's breath, you can still find it written in the file.
So, guys, this is the end of the Body-Switch event.
I hope you all had fun, but it's over~
Now! Onto event details and shit.
As the Manager mentioned, the antidote for BaSa, YSIG (You Suck, Idiot Guests), is currently being released into the hotel. YSIG, however, is not an "antidote" per-say...
More like a "Go-Back-In-Time" thing that has just affected every single person inside of the hotel, including the guests who got here after the body-switch event.
And... Well... I need you to pay close attention to the next few things I am going to mention...
As soon as the intercom shuts down, every single character will begin to feel a little tipsy, every and all laptops shall crash and shut-down, and then... Well, every single character shall pass out, only to re-awaken in their room, feeling almost as if they have just arrived at the hotel.
And the Xanatos Roulette goes on...
After this, they may notice several things:
-They will feel as if somebody is following them at all times of the day. If your character is sharp, they may notice a small amount of fog over their reflection every time they look in a mirror.
-The hotel staff's reaction time is not as fast as it used to be. It is almost as if they can't see you.
-The town seems a little more... Alive? Somehow, it doesn't feel as frightening to walk down Mortis Street as it used to be before.
-After curfew, if your character stares at their mirrors long enough, their reflection looks as if it is moving on its own (IE: Smirking, eye-movement, shifting, etc... But nothing too drastic).
-If your character previously possessed a supernatural power that involved one of their body parts (like, say, eye-beams, telekinesis, super-strength, etc..), they might experience spasms and pain when they move said body part.
If you have any questions, ask them now. I'd rather not have to call you out of any mistake on your posts because something wasn't clear.
EDIT: LOL. I should have made this clearer, buuuut~
You characters remember everything, no memory loss. The "Go-Back-In-Time" will make sense after the next event, so don't loose your head over this, 'kay?
[ooc; If you have any questions or comments, reply to this entry but Out Of Character. Remember, this is an intercom message.]