#6 - NPC [STAFF]

Aug 02, 2008 08:37

Good Evening, Fools Dear Guests!

The intercom gives a rather high-pitched wail before it all becomes silent. Somebody starts to tap the microphone before they clear their throat, stifling what seems to be giggles. A young, female voice comes on.

- - -

Good evening, dear guests~ ♥ I hope you've had an absolutely fabulous week here at the Ravis Seur, and hey! What better way to end it than with the ball~?! Heee~! ♥

Now, shoop da whoop~ I hope you guys have your partners ready, if not, don't worry~ We'll seat you right next to the most incompatible person available! Still! Don't rush while preparing yourself, you have until the bell chimes in exactly one hour to get ready, then you can come down to the lobby, no worries we'll bring you down if we have to~! ♥

Anyways, my shupa doopa wubable guests~ I, along with the rest of the staff, will be waiting for you down at the lobby, can't wait to see ya in your clothes!

Heee heee~!

Buh bye! ♥

-The Ravis Seur Staff

- - -

The intercom wails and shuts down. If you check your laptop, you will find a copy of this announcement inside a file named 'Announcements' found on your desktop. Even though everything in strikes was muttered under the Staff Member's breath, you can still find it written in the file.

So, guys, this is it! The moment we have all be dreading waiting for has come.

~*~THE BALL~*~ ♥

I have a lot of details to discuss, however, those who's characters have not found dates yet, please comment on this post so Kyuu can play match-maker.

Now, the ball will last for one day for your character, but! For us muns, this event will last until Saturday, August 9th.

During this event, your character may notice that the air smells... Strange, almost sweet, or that some of the food (namely sweets, alcoholic beverages, and the meat and poultry) start tasting strange as you began to eat more, and more, and... You get the point.

Well, it is only normal that they notice these things, it would be odd if they didn't notice such a blatantly placed trap. XD;;;

However, the side-effects linked to these 'strange' won't show up until the next announcement, which will be on August 9th (that being the morning after the ball, just when your character wakes up~).

Anyways, moving on!

If your character decides to be a smart ass and not show up in formal wear (or at all), the moment they blink they will be downstairs in the lobby, in the Host's choice of formal wear (...I smell cross-dresses). Really now, they did give you a chance to wear what you wanted. XD;;;

Those who go down willingly may also notice that every single door except for the ones leading into the lobby (excluding the entrance to the kitchen, and counting the 'Fun Area') will be locked from the outside. Meaning that the moment your character steps out of their room, they'll be locked out until the ball ends.

The main part of the lobby will be used to dine, while the Refectory has somehow being completely cleared (including the tables, which were bolted down to the floor) and a stage has been set up at the back of the Refectory, in which some talented staff members will play classical music for your character's torture enjoyment.

Also, don't mind the 'bell' thing. The event starts now, just pretend the bell chimed already, or something. XD;;

That is all and sorry if this is a snafu, I'm tired, hungry and 'meh' right now~ ♥

[ooc; If you have any questions or comments, reply to this entry but Out Of Character. Remember, this is an intercom message.]

*npc - staff, *event

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