me = blogging loser

Jul 05, 2006 08:07

it seems as if i have fallen prey to the blogger's malady: information has an expiration date and i can't seem to write fast enough. that and my job is just incredibly hectic. also, i've determined, through careful study and rigorous testing, that i can withstand an almost infinite number of viewings of series one of doctor who without boredom. sadly, this testing has taken up a not-insignificant amount of what might otherwise be labeled "free time". (perhaps this is also why i have laundry piled up like sarah sylvia cynthia stout's garbage.)

so, c'mon, step into my big blue box. have i mentioned that it travels in time?

one of the groups i work with decided it would be a fun team-building thing to go out to the desert and climb some rocks. it would have been great except that it's easy to forget, living in the city, that nature doesn't keep a schedule. so, i thought i'd jot a few things down.. for posterity and all that rot.
- when you hire a luxury bus to take you to the desert, make sure that the driver doesn't watch dvds all day.
- my grandpa always told me that you should never drink alcohol in the desert. it's like tempting fate.
- that being said, if someone is serving alcohol of any kind, you don't complain, even if they mix it with tang. remember: the bus is broken. what else are you going to do?
- watching a bunch of really smart people wave their hands around for cell reception would be funnier if the bus wasn't broken.
- rock climbing is a lot like fencing in that it's easier than you think to be completely put to shame by a 60yo woman.
- if you decide to use those yearbook club skills and man the camera instead of climb rocks, geeky rock climber dudes in coke-bottle glasses named tristan attempt to chat you up. apparently, that whole "boys teaching girls" thing holds some water. who knew?
- there are some englishmen who react in a violent manner when they hear the opening refrain of soft cell's "tainted love". "come on eileen"? also not a fave.
- don't be shy; take those extra clif bars from the lunch truck. you never know, the bus might break down and you're stuck out at dinner time. take a few extra, because your coworkers will be hungry, too.

then, my team decided we should go on a cruise to vancouver (which they called "cruising"... and i was like, "um. do i need to get hr down here?"). my take-aways:
- cruises are fun, except when the ship leaves late and you end up pushing 30 knots in to a head wind all the way to vancouver.
- they banned "the love boat" from the karaoke listings. we didn't let that stop us.
- canadia_bit and dionneshea are the best canadians ever.
- canada is also very awesome, even if the exchange rate was ass. :)
- that being said, nothing is funnier than a table of 12 very smart business people trying to calculate the CDN -> USD exchange rate at the dinner table.
- new stamp in passport, whee!
- the amount of cadbury i brought over the border should have been illegal.
- i think the new slogan for vancouver should be: vancouver: as seen on tv!
- also, you'd think that, for having the queen on their money, the canadians would have more british tv. no doctor who series 2! boo! canadians, you should not stand for second hand bbc tv! no taxation without representation! don't tread on me! (remember: they don't get really mad until you dump their tea in the river.)

- it's fucking hot outside. 100F yesterday. i hate summer.
- as such, my eyes have puffed up to astronomical levels. unfortunately, puffy eyes have not caught on as puffy lips have.
- i got a postcard from fenwic and you didn't (except that some of your totally did). thanks, fennie!
- for those who missed it on scifi, i have been inflicting foisting supplying doctor who eps to any and all who cross my path. don't worry, you're next.
- speaking of doctor who, i won't be watching this last saturday's ep for a whole week because i am going to watch part one and two together; i sorta like my nails, also they don't taste very good if i bite them (and if the series one finale is any indication, i would definitely be without nails by the end). so, if i don't read your post over the next week, it's not because i don't love you.
- snow patrol is love. i tried, but could no longer resist their siren call.
- i've also noticed quite a few folks on the flist taking an interest in my number one music bf, jeff buckley. yay on all of you!
- (johnny depp + orlando bloom + swords)*2 = !!!111!!!!111one!!!1! it's like my very own birthday pressie from jerry bruckheimer.
- did you know that bbc america is celebrating a summer of sharpe with a sharpe movie every saturday? no? pull yourself away from that hex trash for just a mo'. i promise you won't regret it.
- i'm going to comic-con... are you?
- have i mentioned that it's hot and i hate it?
- so, i was driving on the freeway, like you do, and a big rock came up and hit my windshield. thankfully a) the windshield did its job and b) it's not going to cost me a fortune (which is what my dealer wanted to charge me) to fix. the glass place i found even has mobile service! they will come to me, if i choose! man, i love l.a.
- to add insult to injury, when i went to go get my car serviced, they noticed this BIG FREAKIN thing that looked like a concrete screw stuck in my tire. since the dealer doesn't do tires, i had to take it to tire shop, where they proceeded to treat me like a girl and inform me that there was nothing wrong with my tire whatsoever. oh, and it was overinflated. and since i didn't take it there to fix the overinflation, they just passed that bit of news on to me and sent me on my way. go tire shop! this forced me to buy a brandy new tire gauge of my very own. my daddy would be proud. (i am very taken with how much it looks like a sonic screwdriver.)
- to really rub my face in it, i went to watch my firefly dvds and noticed that my set (which is like OMG SO OLD) had two versions of disc three and no disc four. NOT ON.
- you know what i really like about the gone in 60 seconds dvd? the fact that eleanor has her own chapter.
- i was surprised, nay, shocked, to see that no one on the flist mourned the passing of tv's greatest producer, aaron spelling.

all right, now i think we're all caught up. what's goin' on with you lot? :)

good bad ugly

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