the wedding day - altar

Apr 23, 2006 18:51

the wedding day - altar
originally uploaded by enkeli.
a good friend of mine got married this past saturday and i had the inordinate pleasure of being a bridesmaid.

let me say this: you know i totally heart all of you and your SOs, but i am never going to be a bridesmaid again. i mean, i understand why i am chosen, and i even know why i say yes, but from here on out, i will be respectfully declining... or something. i dunno.

what i do know is that i have an absolutely gorgeous but completely useless vera wang gown (with sap and vodka and lemon stains... don't ask) hanging in my closet; useless only in that i will never wear it again... or at least i don't see that happening anytime in the near future. i won't even get into the shoes and the hair. nor will i comment on the bridal shower or any of those other sorts of things. and i still have presents to buy! hahaahaha. yeah.

anyway, the ceremony was beautiful. i froze the entire time and got a sunburn to boot (yay global warming). i'm just sorry i didn't get many pictures of it... i would have loved to have at least one of the bride getting out of the limo.

the reception was fantastic, mainly because the alcohol was free, but also because it was really fantastic. i didn't get any photos of people cutting the cake or anything because a) stuff started happening very quickly and without ceremony and b) i was too tipsy to get out of my chair and walk over to take a pic. heh. i did, however, get up for the bouquet toss, which i never do. i blame it on the moet. ;)

and no, i didn't catch it.

i did catch the attention of one of the hotel staff who was working the room, however. he seemed very nice. i went back down to the room to see if i could chat him up and he was gone. alas.

all in all, a good time, i think. but you know, i'd have been just as happy for the married couple if i'd sat in the back row. *g*

also, i promise if i ever do get married (and really, at this point, it doesn't look like that's going to happen, so really no worries there) i will not put anybody through this bridesmaid crap. no, really. i swear.

bridesmaid and not a bride

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