[cl] 5. Wrath

Jun 18, 2010 00:02

[Set in fooledtheworld. ohgodkillme_now is used without permission but lots of love. Written for justlikeapistol. Might not be as wrath-y as expected, but … this is what happened?]

She never got angry with him. She never fought him. He showed up drunk and she just put him to bed, made sure he was okay, and tried not to push too much. She worried-she always worried-but she didn’t call attention to it too much. She just cleaned him up, put him to bed and hoped that in the morning would be better. It rarely ever was, at least not much, but it was something.

To be perfectly fair, she wasn’t sure she had the right to tell him to get sober or shape up. She wasn’t there to be angry with him about things she couldn’t control. She trusted Dean and she trusted his instincts regarding the situation he was in. Besides, she didn’t feel that she was in any position to make demands of him. She wasn’t the hero in this situation, and she knew that her sense of right and wrong was skewed at best. If he felt that that was what he needed to do, she would let him do it, even if that included saying yes to an angel who was okay with ending them all as a consequence. If he had no other recourse, it was better that Michael win than Lucifer.

She wasn’t expecting a good bye, and she wasn’t expecting more than what she had. She just hoped that once this was all over, he would choose her instead of something that might possibly be better. She was trying not to think about it, however. She just wanted to focus on taking care of him until then and keeping their relationship as even as possible.

Sometimes her taking care of him involved teasing him mercilessly when he was recovering from a hangover.

She was up before he was, but she didn’t move right away. He wasn’t sleeping much, and she wanted to disturb him as little as possible. She held him close, let him stay wrapped around her, until his head tipped forward, hiding from the windows over her shoulder with a groan.

“Stupid sun.”

“It does rise around this time,” she teased, not even raising her voice all that high, but she didn’t miss the wince that came as he buried his face between her shoulder and the pillow.

“Sweetheart, normally that accent of yours is sexy as hell, but right now it’s like nails on a friggin’ chalkboard.”

“Oh,” she said, before raising her voice a few decibels. “Is this better then?”

He laughed. It was a hard sound, not like a laugh at all really, but it was a sound of amusement nonetheless. “You suck.”

“I thought you thought I did that well,” she smirked as she started to pull away from him, reaching for the bathrobe hanging from the bedpost, wrapping it around herself as she stood up. “You’re making it sound like a bad thing.”

“You really suck,” he repeated, grabbing a pillow and pulling it over his head. Bela couldn’t help but laugh at that, and apparently her laughter only caused Dean to chuck one of the other pillows off the bed and towards her. She dodged it with a grin, before giving him a small pout as she made her way back over to the edge of the bed, pushing up on her knees as she moved back towards him.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured as she started to rub his shoulders gently. “I shouldn’t tease you.”

“No, you shouldn’t,” he said, glancing back to give her a look, but she could feel some of the tension slipping out of his muscles. Not all of it, but some, at least. “You’re supposed to like me now.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she sighed. “Tell you what-I’ll close the curtains, you stay here and get some sleep, and I’ll bring you some breakfast.”

He made a face as he rolled over to look at her. “No-no food yet. Coffee. We’ll see how I do with the coffee and then we’ll talk about food.”

“Alright,” she said softly, before leaning in to kiss his forehead. “Just rest. I’ll bring the coffee in a bit.”

He nodded, shifting back down against the pillows again. Bela went over to close the curtains, as promised and started to make her way into the kitchen, when she heard Dean speak up again behind her.

“Hey, Bela?” She turned to face him again, and he gave her what these days passed for a smile. “Thanks.”

She gave him a half-shrug, but returned the smile. “It’s what I’m here for.”

756 words

challenge}: cl - 100 summer drabbles, verse: dean}: fooled the world, comm}: charloft, with}: dean winchester

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