[QT!] Dante Alighieri qoute

Jun 19, 2008 14:19

“All hope abandon, ye who enter in.”

The apartment hadn’t changed much in the time she’d been gone. All of her belongings were still intact-she died far enough away that no one bothered to notify the landlord and she had bought the place ages ago, so he had no reason to think she was skipping out on the rent. It was her place, he had no reason to barge in and muss with her things, and she was grateful at least for that much.

Picking the lock had been easy, and she remembered the security code like it was yesterday. As far as she was concerned, it was. All the years that had passed while she was in hell seemed to have compacted themselves into one, horrible, awful day, and now she was back to try and get on with what she had started. She could continue her business, uninterrupted and unnoticed, and there’s nothing she valued more than her privacy.

If anyone even attempted to disturb her now, they would have hell to pay. After all, no one should disturb a demon when they’re at work.

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