Apr 24, 2010 10:14
I decided, I am in love with my landlord. He. is. amazing. An artist stuck in off shore work. I asked for a new white bathroom and a new bathroom I got. White. And orange. And now, there are dolphins. And I am in love with said dolphins. (So is the spider, who is sitting under my shower since yesterday morning. Leave, damn it! And leave my dolphins alone!)
So, finally I am back in good old A. One week later then planned, but vulcanos have the right to erupt too, I suppose. And I bet, the students aren't to upset over having one week of classes being cancelled. Anyways, the train ride was fine. First of all, most trains were on time - a miracle, I know! The one too Stuttgart was 10 min late and the woman beside me nearly killed the train staff in outrage. But since the train staff was Austrian/Bavarian it went like this:
GermanLady: %§$"°&%warum Zug zu spät&%§"!!!!
Staff: Ich hab leider meine Kristallkugel vergessen, sonst könnt ich einen Blick hinein werfen.
GermanLady: &%$§"&%&!!!
Staff: Na ja, ist doch nicht so schlimm, wenn Sie 1 1/2 Stunden später kommen, oder?
GermanLady: *explodes*
Staff: *doesn't even ignore her*
Me (thinking): *nehehhe* und "Relax. Ich muss bis nach Schottland, ich sitz noch gute 22 Stunden im Zug...."
Other then that, there was not much excitement. I managed the change from on trainstation to the next (in Paris and in London) and managed not to miss my stop in Scotland. I was a bit worried about waking up in Inverness... So hooray to me. And now I am going to fight with that spider and shower and then go buy groceries. And I thought about a quick summary about my time in Austria (journal, duh) but then, why? You, who are all reading - but not commenting, you little ghost-readers, you - know how very much I love you and how amazing you all are.
daily routine,