Mar 10, 2008 14:25
So it is march.
it is my final spring break ever.
(except maybe grad school)
I am on the verge of 23.
I feel very comfortable where i am right now in my life.
I have lived alone.
I have wrote 50 pages of orignial poetry (though i only passed in like 30 pages)
I have kicked schools ass (for the last couple of semesters)
and I have a pretty stable relationship with someone who I can almost always count on.
I am very excited for the summer months. Moving some place WITH david will be a very refreshing experiance.
it will be neutral territory if you will.
we will have seperate friends.
not that we need too, but for once i will not be an accessory, we will n ot be surrounded by his entire graduating class.
And I am personally looking foward to that.
Some of my most favorite people will be in Portland, and Hopefully my job will come through and though it is far far away from my county it feels completly natural.
aside from wanting a non-squishy exterior for the beach i am comfortable and confident in my life choices right now.
Beach time cleansing and having a best friend live in the same city HAS GOT to be good for the soul.
new computer,
summer 08