Feb 02, 2003 10:46
I took a day off from work this last Thursday and drove to Gilford NH to my friends log home with a view of Lake Winnapasakie to spend the weekend skiing. We hung around in the early evening and after dinner both retired early (no later than 9PM). I had been up 24 hours by then. The next morning Dave, Eric, Steve and myself drove the 8 minutes over to Gunstock Mountain where the ski conditions were really good. We skied for upwards of 6 hours and called it a day. By this time all were pretty stiff from the pounding we all took. After dropping our gear off at the house we all went out to eat at a turkey farm resteraunt wich had a really awesom turkey dinner buffet. There we met Cricket, a lively woman who lives in Weirs Beach and hold down no less than four jobs, one of which waitressing, a nice woman with a good personality.
Dave suggested that we stop off at the "Funspot" a huge arcade and bowladrome which was on our way home. This place specialized in collecting most of the really old arcade games and the classics. There was Tron, Tempest, Space Invaders, Centipede, Pac Man, Robotron, Star Trek & Wars, several auto racing games bowling, kiddy rides, air hockey, slots, indoor golf, pinballs galore and games that awarded tickets you could redeem for prizes. The games were for the most part cheap, averaging 16 cents a play! Now I havent been in an arcade in a decade or more, mostly because I can get much of what i want in computer games where the cost is not an issue. But I did enjoy myself very much I am suprised to say.
We drove back to the house and watched "Brotherhood of the Wolf" of I did anyway,the others all fell asleep early on in the film. The following morning we all went our seperate ways. Eric and I drove down to Brigewater Ma., about 3 hours away to play in a Werewolf LARP that started at noon and went to midnight.
The drive back from this game was for me anyway a treacherous affair as a storm had moved in while we were otherwise occupied and had turned to an ice storm as the night continued. I had a two hour drive home on roads that had not been plowed, salted or sanded and were basically turning into one sheet of black ice. Top speed was 40 miles an hour on the interstate. I did manage to arrive here without incident though for which I am grateful.
It has continued to snow and sleet all night with a local accumulation expected to be between 4 and 8 inches. I am snowed in at this time as the plow has not arrived and I can't get to Meeting For Worship in Boston, its a good thing I had not signed up to be greeter today.