Upheval Everywhere

Mar 08, 2003 13:02

My life and my home are in an uproar. I go to work 10 hours a night, comute a further 1.5 hours then come home don gloves, a resperator, gogles, and a hard hat and go back to the daily task of demolishing the inner walls of my home. I have demolished four plaster and ferro-cement walls by hand, with the help of a 30 pound sledge hammer and a pry bar. I am covered in debris by the end of each day and bone weary, with aches in places I didn't know I had.
Essentially I work all but 7 hours a day and those4 hours are spent sleeping in a borrowed bed in the basement of my mom's house. I am not sleeping well. I am losing contact with my friends because I work on the house 7 days a week.
I still have not heard back from the person I used to consider my best friend, Eleanor Hennessey, who on the second week of November told me that she loved me, didn't want to hurt me but knew this was going to, declared she had no energy for life and could not spare me any and told me to stop calling, visiting or writing till she got back in touch. That, she said, at the time might be before Christmas or might be later. It's been 5 months and still no word. I am worried about her but unable to reach out if I choses to continue to obey her wishes.
Money is tight here as well, with all the renovations going on, my job at the plant in jeapody due to lack of contracts and even more troublesome the finicky prototype not living up to expectations, causing loss of tentative contracts, all is in turmoil there.
I have several new aquaintences through my Lj postings which I read of and or post answers to as often as i can squeeze in the time, they are Erin and Whitney, there are several others that i check up on as well but these two women I am the most friendly with. Both live thousands of miles away from me way down south, and I doubt I will ever meet either of them in person, but its still nice to chat with them out here.
I have taken to writting two new pen pals, I do all my writing at work, because I have so much time on my hands lately there and none here at home. Neither have writtin back yet but it also may be too soon to expect a letter from them yet.
I may have to disconect from my computer for several days even though I really dont want to because this room is getting replumbed for a new heating system and the desk my computer is on has to be moved out of the room, I am very bummed by this, as I have no online access at work.
Last night I took several hours off to unwind and wouldn't you know it i couldn't find a single person to hang out with online or in person, very sad. Lately my old teddy bear seems to be the only one around.......
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