Aug 03, 2004 19:38
Studying takes your mind off subjects that avert gaining knowledge. Although, when you first begin, the couple of minutes/hours (what say you..) seem antiquated; it simply doesnt feel right. THe air around me seems arid, and I start to zone out in an augmented, amorous, nevertheless auspicious night. Many a times, the assignated boat/car ride with my "whoever" asunders to different plots, making an asymmetrical jpeg image. But I assert to make it animated again, thus I convert it to a gif, then assay or appraise the aesthetic quatlities of my anterior askewed artifact. We both then come to the aphasia level, where both of us appraise our anachronistic events. In an attempt to sit at the beach and annoit our backs, we seperate our mindless aperutes, and break into an altercation. What was supposed to be analgesic, the beach dissapears, the austere zephr rushes through my soul, admonishing me to aver my asoical nature with him.. There's more to being just physical..American..I scream, and the cantakerous voice rushes through, almost slicing his gentle, audible tri-bones. The three bones shake incessantly and he attests to attenuate my pain. This agitation creates an alias for me, and I put him in the amphitheatre of anathema. With aplomb eloquence, no rather, arbitrary allusiveness, I accolade him for his affinity in my archipelago of feelings. Again, the relentess authoritarian wind alignes me by his side, and speaks, "TELL HIM!!." ALas my antipathy proliferates as my ascending asperity towards the amorphous image. His breath over me slowly ameliorates my harsh alarcity where I had gone aloof. WHy am I being so abstruce?. He holds me where our assimilation is the purified state of an all-mighty axiom..
Stay tuned for the collection of B's.