It was rainy and slow today, so I asked dad to drop me off at a Borders and pick me back up in a couple of hours.
What I wanted to read was Equal Rites, which I began two years ago on a bus from Belgium and never finished, because I didn't have all the pages. The website said it was "likely in stock"; as things often turn out in my case, the unlikely came true, and they didn't have it anymore.
So what I ended up reading was Heroes - Saving Charlie; now, I only made it through a third before dad came back, but dude, is that a huge book or what? I first thought it was going to be a graphic novel but no, it's a hardcover novel over two hundred pages long.
It fills in the "missing months" - the time Hiro spent trying to change Charlie-the-waitress's fate - and as it is obvious by the fact that I kept reading, it's captivating enough. But oh, the writing - some of the dialogue would never had made it past a decent beta reader, and don't get me started on the interior monologues.[1] It was occasionally embarrassing, occasionally clumsy, and I'm *not* going to pay for fan fiction, dammit, not unless it's bloody brilliant or something. :D
[1] Charlie gave Hiro a smile "that raised more than Hiro's hopes". Charlie has a body "you could toast marshmallows on" (would Hiro know about marshmallows? I never knew before reading LJ.) Hiro lets out "a bleat of distress".
However, never fear,
direaliete, it's still far from the "chuffa chuffa" levels of crack. ;)