(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 01:48

I don't know how a card from France can travel faster to the US than to Romania, but I got the lovely card, Mouse, thank you! *hugs*


Oh, but is the Yuletide crop rich! I've been reading fic like a greedy, greedy fic gourmand, because refuge in the fantesy world is what I do best, but also because there's a lot of good stuff. I might make recs after I finish commenting; I don't like leaving the generic "I loved this!" comment, because I know how much better more detailed comments are, so after the meaningful comments depart my brain, I have to take a break. I still have a bunch of tabs open (no, NightElf, not the 48 tabs I used to - dad's laptop couldn't handle them, and neither could my ever-shortening attention span and multiplexing abilities) where I've read the fics, loved them, and thus try to find more to say to the authors than just that.

I may have accidentally picked up a new not-fandom, the name of which I'm pretty sure I saw on the flist before - From Eroica with Love, anyone? The trouble with getting into a fandom through the fic is that then you expect the fandom to be as satisfying, and it usually can't deliver quite the same things one liked in the fic...


We've had a guest for Christmas, a friend of the landlady. A very interesting and cultured person, my father had described her, though not without her failings. Sadly one of said failings (not in my father's view though) is that she's a proud conservative, and thus had heated discussions about gay rights. They cowardly pulled out of the discussion by going out to smoke - bleah! And when they returned of course the subject had changed. I didn't dig it up, for the sake of my own sanity and everybody's peace. It's not like it was a real debate, since neither party wanted to be convinced by the other's arguments, and conservative lady only "argued" with "You're wrong, because it's wrong!" Thus, I consider I won it. ;)

The other prominent failing was the love of mindless gossip, which is what draws her to the landlady's company (yes, I judge people; I try not to, but often I fail; I never said I was perfect), and thus I was entirely deprived of her literacy and culture.


We've also used the fireplace for Christmas; I finally get it, the fixation of so many romantic cliches about fireplaces, wood crackling in the fire, the orange lights playing out... I so get it.

Water and fire hold a special kind of fascination; I could (and have) contemplate waves, waterfalls and rain for hours, and same goes for candles and camp fires.

I only got a few moments of complete silence - except for the fire crackling, semi-dark - except for the fire - and contemplation, but it was good and made me long for more. Just me and my thoughts, running like water, melting one into the next like flames.

(People looked at me weird when I told them I wanted a few minutes on my own with the waves, this autumn by the seaside. I find it weird that I'd have to explain to them why. Dad at least understands, even if he doesn't share all my contemplation quirks.)


And now my neck is cricking and woe! woobie me! today we have to go to work again. (Well, I should have since yesterday, but I didn't want to. The second day of Christmas at work, it would be heresy!) In, like, 6 hours. Gulp.

life, fandom, yuletide, me

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