We only have 5 singers for this round's showcase but rehearsals were still as enjoyable as ever.
Thanks to Zat who kept taking photos so that we have some to keep for memory.
Our very important scores that we can't do without!
Shaiful the director, Charlie the Music director at the piano and Leonard our pianist.
Julz & April performing "That Face".
Zat who brought a lot of laughter to the group.
Final rehearsals at the Arts House. I love the acoustics hear.
Everyone sounds amazing effortlessly at this location.
Can you believe it. I've known Shai for almost 8 years!
This shows that we are getting old. pffft.
We got bored. As you can see, Charlie doesn't seem to notice us.
Our weekly suppers after rehearsals. I enjoy this a lot cos I always getting hungry after a whole night of singing.
Plus, it is a great way of getting to know the team better.
The random bits of information they share are priceless! (and would not be repeated here)
You know this was the day I saw how Indian Rojak looked like for the first time?!
Julz and Charlie almost died when they I asked them what they were eating and they found out that I have not eaten it before.
Ok! Pretty much sums how how rehearsals are like or each week!
I hope we get the opportunity to work together again!