☂ twelve

May 13, 2009 21:49

[mode: audio | language: English]

Bloody hell--! You know, and here I thought that I had completely taken care of that shocking function, but it's just my luck-- AGH, DAMNIT, QUIT THAT ALREADY!

... 'S what I thought.

[ There is a pause as he clears his throat, and then-- ]

Right-o, then. Have we all quietened down? I very well refuse to be involved in any more of that foolishness, you understand? It's disruptive enough to piece together afternoon tea in this god-forsaken hellhole without all that incessant yelling, you know....

I s'pose I ought to apologise for my silence to, well, those of you who actually do deserve that much, at least. You bloody well know who you are, so I shan't elaborate any further... other than, you know, [ Unintelligible muttering, wherein the words "peace and quiet" and some select curses ] So I do hope no one has ended up dead-- or worse-- without my supervision. If you have, then perhaps it was deserved.... So, then, shall we have a roll call? I assume, of course, that no one important has left, yes?

[ ooc; oh god guys sorry for, you know, vanishing YET AGAIN. Here for good, though, and kicking it off with this post! You know you missed Mr High Tsundere. ]

i'm surrounded by idiots, bitches don't know 'bout my tea, why does this always happen to me, might have tourette's, go team mom go!

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