Please go right away and read the utterly fantastic continuation of Alligator Man, Crocidile Tears by the amazing mini_moue. She's so talented! I'm completely humbled to have inspired this.
Well, now for something completely different, as they used to say on Monty Python. The WIPs are languishing. But here's a one shot I've been working on for awhile
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A very short ficlet. Not my usual kind of thing. But sometimes it's fun to play in another sandbox. This one comes with major warnings, so please read and beware. Don't stab me. I couldn't help myself. Gulp
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Okay. I seem perfectly incapable of concentrating on one thing at a time. I have no excuses. This demanded to be written. I don't think I've ever read an AU along these particular lines so I had to give it a try and see what I could come up with. Probably one of one.
I don't know where this came from or quite how to describe it, other than a picture of Jared is the inspiration. It's not going anywhere and doesn't mean anything. Late nights occasionally do this to me. I guess you'd call it an experiment, a short trip up the Nile when the world was a younger place. Sometimes sensuality is its own reward.
I had a dream last night. This is the result. I actually woke up with the words and the title rushing through my head. And I'm going 'what the heck is this?' I think I looked at too many pictures yesterday of Jensen's lips and goth Jared
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I been thinking I want to do a few smaller pieces as opposed to the many-chaptered stories to fill in the blanks on the days I'm not posting those. It's fun to talk and share comments with my flist. And very addictive. So I went searching
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