Maybe I'll break down...

Jun 02, 2009 22:47

I've been a cooking fool lately.

White Chocolate Lime Cookies

Lime Meltaways

Beignets (Cafe du Monde Beignet Mix from ariel <3)

I'm doing ok.

While OK sounds like a understatement, considering I've been between meh and outright blah, ok is on the bright side.

I have one more class left which I won't do till the fall because I'm super broke and need a job/internship to get some money. I'm not happy how this last year has turned out school wise but maybe it's for the best. I will say both my pride and confidence is a bit wrecked so the "break" should do both some good. There's also the serious idea of me transferring to the AI in Dallas for that final class. I'll be closer to Ariel and it'll ease that eventually moving process.

Speaking of, I get to visit her on the 15th. I haven't seen her since January. I mean we've always had long periods between seeing each other but there was a regular schedule of every 3 months so this extended bit has been less than ideal. Also..I kinda miss sex.

One Sentence Reviews:

Wolverine: X-Men Origins - THE MOVIE: Meh, a couple of good action sequences but nothing worth paying to see. Not unless you really like Hugh Jackman's chest.

Wolverine: X-Men Origins - THE GAME: Did you enjoy God of War? or Devil May Cry? Do you like your games kind of buggy ? Well I got the game for you!

Mirror's Edge: I liked it, there's some flaws that could be deal breakers for some (weak story, and it's amazingly frustrating/diffcult) but I'm willing to let some of it go because it's willing to do something different.

I'm seriously considering starting a twitter. Maybe it would have more one sentence reviews, maybe live blogging basketball games (speaking of how 'bout those Magic!) , and who knows what else.

So basically I need you to either talk me of that edge, or encourage me to do it.

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