Oct 01, 2008 21:30
See see, I'm not dead. Just busy and poor.
-After (several) delays, I'm seriously a quarter away from being done with school. It's exciting and scary. Image me a grown up. pssh.
-Speaking of growing up, I'm going to be twenty-fucking-four this month. wowzers. Outside of me still being in school, living at home (which is not a huge deal, but still unexpected), and my girlfriend is living below the maxon dixon line, things aren't half bad.
-So there's a likely chance I'm going to go see TV on the Radio in Oct with Ariel (she's coming to town the week of my birthday) JAWESOME!
-TV on the Radio; "Dear Science,": I like it so far. I haven't listened to it a whole lot yet (because my goddamn iPod is on the fritz) but it's good so far. A lot more accessible than Return to Cookie Mountain but it still sounds like them, the biggest difference I think is that the production is a bit more reined in as opposed to RTCM. Also more music needs a horn section.
-I sometimes wish I was a professional illustrator. Not that I don't like what I'm doing now, but it seems like a fun job if you have the skill + mokie for it.
-More later; but important question/thought - who still reads this thing? I don't mean that in the attention-whore kind of way but I'm curious because I'm debting about keeping and using this journal or starting/using something somewhere else (probably vox).