Movies and Harajuku

Apr 24, 2011 12:37

Last Sunday (April 17th) I went into Tokyo to see Sucker Punch and visit Harajuku. I'd been before, but never on a weekend, when it's supposedly really hopping.

So I checked the theater schedule, and found that if I wanted to do both I'd have to go to the 11am showing. I got a popcorn combo, and finally got a picture of the holder. Best Invention EVER! They really need to get these in NA theaters. It slides into the cupholder on the armrest.

The movie was good, lots of action, a little thought provoking, all in all enjoyable. I suspect that there will be lots of cosplay this year based on the movie. Why, because most of the outfits are thematic and sexy.

I then headed to Harajuku. The main street for the youth culture was packed. I worked my way down and back, stopping to do a little shopping (got a purse and some cheap shoes for work), and take a picture of one of the lolita stores along the road.

I had forgotten my camera at work, so all of these were taken with my phone. I followed the crowd and went up a pedestrian overpass and took some pictures of the passing people.

Most of the lolita dressed girls were headed to a specific building. I decided to follow. It turns out that there was a pavillion set up and I think they were selling tickets and stuff for a band.

I then walked down to Shibuya station and went over to Akihabara. Turns out they close the road so people were wandering around everywhere. I checked out a few things and hopped the train home.

It was nice to see everything, but I think I'll have to go back with my regular camera and a friend or two to get some better pictures and play the tourist.
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