May 24, 2010 10:43
Or should that be a kilometerstone.... For the first time in a really long time I jogged continuously for 1km. It wasn't amazingly fast, in fact it was a little slower than my kms at the gym, but it was outside, on an uneven path (a loop around my neighbourhood). I forgot to time it exactly, but I know when the songs changed, so I'm guessing it took me about 8 minutes....which would be 5K in 40 mins. My best time is about 38mins, so not too far off. I'll have to try a longer path next time, but I didn't know if I'd even be able to do that. I even felt good enought that I was tempted to try for a second k, but my digestion had different ideas.
Tomorrow is supposed to be my 5K day. Maybe I'll see if I can find a 5 K route that doesn't have a really brutal hill at the end (amost impossible since I live at the top of a hill) that I can run rather than going to the gym and run on the treadmill... we'll see.