Hello all. Yes, I know, it's been a while. I've been somewhat busy with that thing we call life. Honest. I still can't get used to having one, it's such an inconvenience. It seriously cuts into my blogging/surfing/generally enjoying the interweb time. So rude.
So what do I have to update you on? I'll bet this is the point where my mind goes completely blank. I promise I was doing things! I wasn't just ignoring you all.....
Well I guess first I should mention attending the WORLD PREMIERE of a little film called Serenity. Premiere and movie were both outstanding. The evening could only have been better if Messrs. Fillion and Maher had accompanied me home afterwards (sadly Mr Tudyk was not in attendance *pout*). The movie was all things Firefly but bigger, bolder, funnier and more Whedon-y (what? It is so a word....). I was also lucky enough to attend a Q&A with Joss the following day at which I took a few wee notes. And if people start bothering me about it (well more people in addition to
mara_sho) I might even get round to typing it up and posting a recap. Maybe.....
What else have I been doing? There's been movie watching, TV watching, nights out, shopping (I have the most amazing new green wooly/tweedy winter coat), music buying (I've been infected by Andrew Bird love) and lots and lots of work.
I've also started on a new exercise programme. I've not lost much weight so far but I have lost 3.5 inches from both my hips and waist and 2 inches from my bust. And the best thing is I'm actually quite enjoying it. Let's hope it continues....
My biggest news though would be my impending return to University. Yes, I'm going back again. This time I'm going to be studying for an MSc in Information Management and Preservation (or Archiving if you're not being all posh). I'm hoping that the combination of that and my IT degree will make me wonderfully employable. I'll be attending classes part-time while continuing to work in the Hell Hole Library, so I'm going to have even less time than I do just now *eyeroll*.
I'm pretty stressed about it all at the moment as I only found out I'd been accepted on Tuesday, classes start on Wednesday and I still haven't got my shift pattern at work sorted out yet so that I'll actually be able to attend classes. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. Yes, I do continue to live in my own little Sharon-world.
Gah! I can't believe I'm going back to essays and deadlines and presentations and lectures and reading boring crap (I've an 80 report on archival standards already sitting on my desk...).
Anyhoo, I shall try and be a good girl and post more. I really need to start scheduling my time more carefully so perhaps I should stick in 30 mins of blogging every couple of days ;op.