Sep 17, 2017 11:49
I should get up.... I need to sleep early tonight. My brain and body both have other ideas 😕
I did wake at 8 but next thing I knew it was 1120.
I actually cannot remember my dreams (rare occurrence) but I have some snapshots of some of the scenes in my head and a general feeling that while not a bad dream, I was wandering round and round looking. I know I kept ending up in the same shop over and over, I remember buying a drink as I was thirsty.
But yeah not the most restful dream whatever else was going on.
Meanwhile my eyes are closing again, urgh I give up lol.
One of the dreams, the last one, I was someone else but part of a team saving uranium from a huge con artist.... it was like a whole 4 episodes of a tv show, squeezed into my REM moments. So yeah that included climbing mountains, running and really packing stuff up...
Incidentally, that was a cross between watching Arrow, while playing Merge Dragons on the iPad and putting stuff into crates. Yeah at least my brain knows what it needs to process!!!!