Xbox 360

Jul 12, 2009 08:56

A purchase i made recently. It saved me from boredom since day 1. I own Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty:World At War, Conan, The Darkness, F.E.A.R,Gears of War 2 Halo 3, Halo Wars, Left 4 Dead, Street Fighter 4, and Transformers 2. I have not completed any of the games since i play them all equally. My focus has been on Assassin's Creed. After playing it its apparent why the game was rewarded Best Game of the Year.   I anxiously await the release of Batman Arkham Asylum next month. The game appears that it will appeal to the Batman fan in me as well as the avid video game player. I am amazed at the level of graphics from the next-generation of consoles. What will they accomplish next?
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