Title: they’ll dig me up one day, stare at my insides and find nothing but ghosts
Rating: pg for light, light swearing
Category: Elena-centric, there is a hint of Damon/Elena if you squint, I guess.
Summary: She doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror much, she's afraid of what she might see (and might not).
Spoilers: potential spoiler for 3.10
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Comments 12
AAAHHH!!!! Descriptive words porn!!!!
This story is great. I think you got Elena right. She fits the tone/situation you were going for, and I think with her character that's the goal to spring for unless you want to write her the way the producers or that part of Fandom see her, i.e. ignoring that she can't stay a "pretty" person with all that she's gone through.
I love how you described her pain, her masks (she even has masks against her own self). It's very sad that she's holding up a mirror, but she can't bring herself to look at it. Kind of like she's holding the opportunity, but she can't bring herself to take it or face it.
And you even included Jer running away from MF!
One more:
No matter how hard you try to escape your ( ... )
Okay, trying to remember what I said.
Thank you!! So happy she feels right to you.
Elena and mirrors, bb, too many FEELINGS. Thank you, aw shucccckkkkkkssss, thank you.
LOL, well JP went and spoiled that one.
(The comment has been removed)
Ah, thank you!!!! (Jenna, Titi, Jenna!)
/run-on comment
I loved this last line because it's so realistic of how Elena feels with Damon around...reassured and safe.
I liked your characterization of both of them.
I'm glad that my characterization works as I was worried with both of them, that I might not get it at all!
Do you have others?
I've written a few Bonnie fics that are in this comm.
I also have a few other stories on my own LJ, found here on my master list in progress: http://ladygawain.livejournal.com/24871.html#cutid1. There's some Katherine, Katherine/Mason, Tyler/Bonnie stories in there.
I used to ship Bonnie/Damon so there's two of those and one in this comm somewhere.
(I'm not sure if you're into any of these pairings or whatever but just in case - I hope I can write more characters soon though).
Sorry about that if you have a random "deleted comment" in your inbox. I will try to reproduce what I said last night, oy.
THANK YOU! Because you're an amazing Elena stan, and your opinion means a lot - this makes me \o/!
YES, that's what I hoped to get with Elena and how she relates to Damon, WHY she relates to him so I'm happy that came through. I feel frigging relieved because I've been wanting to write her for a long time, copious notes, but haven't really had the guts to post anything so yay (... for white wine?)!
I DON'T KNOW. Elena, man, how does she do?
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