Title: they’ll dig me up one day, stare at my insides and find nothing but ghosts
Rating: pg for light, light swearing
Category: Elena-centric, there is a hint of Damon/Elena if you squint, I guess.
Summary: She doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror much, she's afraid of what she might see (and might not).
Spoilers: potential spoiler for 3.10
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I loved this last line because it's so realistic of how Elena feels with Damon around...reassured and safe.
I liked your characterization of both of them.
I'm glad that my characterization works as I was worried with both of them, that I might not get it at all!
Do you have others?
I've written a few Bonnie fics that are in this comm.
I also have a few other stories on my own LJ, found here on my master list in progress: http://ladygawain.livejournal.com/24871.html#cutid1. There's some Katherine, Katherine/Mason, Tyler/Bonnie stories in there.
I used to ship Bonnie/Damon so there's two of those and one in this comm somewhere.
(I'm not sure if you're into any of these pairings or whatever but just in case - I hope I can write more characters soon though).
I will check them out. Thanks :)
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