Jun 20, 2006 21:36
TV is so incredibly silly. so anyway, i started work today, it was just training and a meeting today and it was sooooooooooo boring. perhaps if i had gotten more than an hour of sleep yesterday i wouldn't have been falling asleep while my boss's boss was talking to us. i took a nap when i got home, got yelled at by mom for it and i'm still tired. i haven't been sleeping well at all this past week. *frown* tomorrow the real work begins as i have to be the first one there and make sure all the kids get to eat breakfast (supposedly there's 150 kids, i pray that number is grossly exaggerated).
i'm starting to feel lonely again. these past few days it's been hard to smile. i went out with my dad yesterday and he asked me about her...it wasn't enough that i can't help but notice that in two weeks i'll have been single for a year. *sigh* yeah he created a totally unnecessary awkward silence. we didn't say a single word for almost 10 minutes...i've had way too much time to think.
so i'm sitting here ranting and whining and my mom is probably waiting in the busy emergency room because she has some crazy hole in her leg that's, according to my stepdad, literally shooting out blood.
part of me wishes that i lived closer to you kids, or that i had a car and could go and see you when i wanted, but things might be better this way. feeling so detached from everyone has, other than making me a little resentful of some people, well it seems like it'll help ease moving away.
i was going to say, "later kids" and then i realized that there's an extremely good chance that i won't see some of you, at least not during the summer. w/e it's all good b/c as natasha said, i'm a two faced bitch so i probably won't even care in a few minutes.