Aug 17, 2011 17:49
The last time I posted I was happy about the first day... now it's time to talk about the last. I finish on the 31st August :(. On one hand I'm happy it's over because this job is so tiring and I've had enough with tourists and repeating the same stuff over and over again. But on the other I'm really not looking forward to go job hunting because I still feel lost. I found the perfect job, which was the film festival, but there's little money and I'm not sure they will hire me again, so I don't really know what I want to do besides that.
In other less depressing news, I have two days off and I was hoping I'd get the Pottermore email today or early tomorrow... but idk. My username is ThestralMarauder159, all the options were lame but I had to chose that one because it had Marauder on it. I wonder what house I'll be in, I really have no preference and I feel like I'm a bit of each. I wouldn't want to be on Slytherin but just because JKR treats them so badly. During the last film when they sent them all to the dungeons... c'mon, I'm sure there was at least a few that would be against Voldemort!!
Talking about films, I enjoyed Captain America a little bit more than Thor, mostly because of Chris Evan's stupid face xD I also went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes which was good too. When I first heard about it I thought it'd be completely rubbish, but it's not! And Super 8 comes out this friday, but I'll have to wait until at least monday because on friday I'm going to a concert and then I work saturday and sunday until 10pm. There are posters all around the city and I love them, lensflare and all.
rl: work,