The Life and Times of a Campus Missionary

Nov 30, 2005 16:35

Things are so crazy. But I have survived one semester as a campus missionary. There have been some really awesome times and some really tough times. But all around God has been so good to me! My family is well but it is so stressful to be around them all together because it brings up all the hurts and frustrations that come with being in a family. I love them but it is so hard to be around them for so long. But in the midst of struggles are great triumphs and joys. I really am so happy though. I wouldn't trade this past semester for anything. I have learned and grown so much. I have become more merciful with people and I really understand more, now than ever, about listening to people and finding out where they are coming from. God has worked in my heart so much. I would like to continue in colleget ministry for a while. I really think that this is my passion. I also would like to go to semenary. If I can continue to work here and get my masters of divinity, that would be a miracle of God! There is so much in my heart and I am overflowing with the mercy and love of God. I am so at peace, even with struggling with my family, I have so much peace and so much to be thankful for. What a blessing to know that I am loved and that I am able to love those around me. God is so gracious to me! Even as the sun rises and sets, God's love is so sure and steadfast. I feel like I have more questions than answers and there is so much uncertanty in my life right now but I know that even as I continue to walk forward God is making straight the path set before me.
This semester has been hard and draining but what a joy and experience. I would never trade any moment of this for the world or all its riches!
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