take 04. [Milkfield]

Aug 16, 2011 21:41

[Of course Rise knew something was going to go wrong when the Milkman became the Chief of Police, and of course she knew something was off when all those posters went up. When things started becoming clear, well, they weren't bright. With some discussion among her housemates, Rise finds herself downing this really suspicious milk on two separate occasions.]

Day 2; August 17; Grade A Poison | Action- All Around Mayfield -> 1446 Mitchell Road]

[Rise's braving her first day of milk consumption! Nothing's immediately wrong- no razor blades, no spiders, but still, something doesn't feel right. Eventually, as she goes about her business, she starts feeling terribly sick and having terrible pains.

In the morning [Action A], she can be found toughing it out around town, smiling through her pain, getting stuff done.

However, in the afternoon [Action B], she'll have retired to her home, 1446 Mitchell Road, and escaped to her room, where she'll be attempting not to scream out in absolute agony.

By evening [Action C, I guess?], Rise will be lifeless on the floor of her room. Well, at least she's not in pain anymore, right?]

Day 5; August 20; Spiders | Action- 1446 Mitchell Road

[Some stuff has gone down in terms of the milk in the past few days, but here Rise is again, ready to drink her second helping of milk. She's a bit more hesitant this time- she died last time, after all, but she asked for this, so she's going to do it.

And, lucky her, she has a mouthful of spiders. She wants to freak out and spit them out but she's afraid that it won't count and one of her housemates will turn into one of those creepy killer drones. So, she decides to tough it out and swallow them. Of course, after the task's done (and she's coughing and cringing at the thought that spiders were in her mouth), her pain's not over yet. While she sat there wondering what to do, the spiders had to decided to bite the crap out of the inside of her mouth. And she's feeling a little sick from swallowing them; whether it's in her head or not, she doesn't know. At least she's not dying this time, though!]

Phone- Filtered from drones

[Rise doesn't know how to treat the numerous spider bites in her mouth, so she'll go to the phones! It's her best bet. She speaks slowly to minimize the effects on her speech. There are lots and lots of bites, after all.]

Hello? Um...does anyone know how to treat spider bites?

!event, !event: cream of the cop, !mayfield, ic, milkfield

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