take 03. [Post July 4th Event]

Jul 05, 2011 23:21

[Yesterday had been a disaster. This event had been all too much for Rise. Not only could she feel that she was being droned, or at least partly so, but when she picked up the phone, all she heard were droned citizens. There had been a few like her that knew something was off, but she didn't trust her voice enough to say anything. She was afraid to see her friends like this, so she stuck to staying inside, in her room, fighting off those little intruding thoughts that were trying to tell her that Mayfield had always been her home.]

A. Action; 1446 Mitchell Road; Morning; Housemates

[Housemates can find Rise sitting in the living room, with a conflicted look on her face. Even with her own weird thoughts gone, she's not sure if everyone else is back to normal. She will be cautious should they speak with her.]

Phone; Afternoon; Open
[Have a very weary sounding Rise. It's very evident in her voice that she hasn't gotten a lot of sleep.]

Hello? ...Is everything back to normal now?

B. Action; All Around Mayfield; Late Afternoon; Open

[And now Rise is wandering around town. She'll probably stop a lot of people and ask them some questions casually, trying to see if the majority of the town is still left droned. She'll peer at others, trying to tell from their body language and general disposition if they're droned or not.]

C. Action; John Doe Park; Evening; Open

[Towards the end of the day, Rise settles herself on a bench at the park and just thinks. She's feeling a lot better now, so she'll just be relaxing. In with the good air, out with the bad air.]

((OOC: A.k.a. I'm just not in the right spirits for this event, so we'll just say Rise was at 25%, freaking out, and she holed herself in her room all of July 4th. Sorry about that. It's now July 5th. ))

!mayfield, ic

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