i see the way you're looking at me baby you know i'm feeling it too

Nov 13, 2012 21:31

Man, I cannot stop listening to Lotus by Christina Aguileira, I'm not joking. Maybe top 5 albums this year. Good lord I am addicted to it.

And now, answering something I was tagged in AN AGE AGO. Omg, I'm so sorry personaleclipse I'm pretty sure I'm the worst but thank you for tagging me! This was funnnnn!

Also, I'm tagging abvjsilverponiesbichitoonlywordsnow

1. If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
Ooh, I totally did this yesterday! If I had to pick one, it would probably be Annie Edison. Let's be honest. Who wouldn't want to go to Greendale and spend all day with the studygroup?

2. What is your favourite movie and what's your favourite TV show?
This is so hard! I think my all time favourite TV show would have to be Community because it just fulfills all my needs. It's raucously funny and sad and perfect in everyway. I LOVE IT OMFG. Time for a total rewatch I'm guessing. My favourite movie is a lot more difficult. It's usually a movie I very recently watched because I remember it better. But I love Bridget Jones' Diary, Ruby Sparks, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, and He's Just Not That Into You. They'd probably be up there in my top fave movies.

3. Are there any songs you can listen to all day long/week/month?
Probably Shining Light by Annie Lennox and the entire Civil Wars album. Uber sad that they split up to be honest. Ughhhsdaflsdkjfas.

4. I'm going to be cruel with this particular question. Damon or Stefan?
HA! This isnt even a question. Damon all the way. He's fucked up and evil and everything but the angel!complex the TVD writers paste on Stefan makes me hate him. Also, he's really good in that a-typical way and I hate him for it. SO DAMON ALL THE WAY.

5. If the movie was ending, what one thing would you take with you?
Omg, I don't know!? A blanket? Water? My computer would be useless because batteries~ but probably food/clothing something practical.

6. What do you prefer? Writing or graphic making?
Probably writing. I'm better at the former. But then that's not saying much. Ha.

7. Favourite pick up lines or lines you've heard?
Oh good lord.

Idiot boy: If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put you and I together.

Idiot boy 2: Did you hurt your head when you fell from heaven?

Idiot boy 3: I tripped over your halo when I fell for you.

etc etc etc

8. Do you believe in the afterlife?
Um, depends. I change my mind about this all the time.

9. What is the best quality in your opinion?
A sense of humour. I will stand by this to the day I die. If you can make me laugh, I will love you forever.

10. What is your wildest dream?
Right now? It's to go to Europe during my break but it doesn't look like it's happening anymore :(

music: christina aguileira, character: damon salvatore, music: the civil wars, character: annie edison, personal, character: stefan salvatore, movie: ruby sparks, movie: he's just not that into you, fandom: community, movie: bridget jones diary, fandom: the vampire diaries, music: annie lennox

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