Title: never knew i could love someone like i love you
Fandom: gossip girl
Characters: dan humphrey (pov), blair waldorf, minor chuck, louis and serena
Pairing: blair/louis, aspirations of dan/blair
Warnings: spoilers for 5x11, but otherwise none
Summary: you're good enough for her, he tells him. like it should matter what chuck thinks.
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Comments 33
I wish I could find a guy like Dan, seriously :(
i'm glad you liked it! i had so many dair feelings i was like 'omg just write. write about the epiosde' and yeah. this was what came out.
me too. :( we could share him. <3
i'm glad you wrote this! now i really don't have to watch the episode AND i get my dair fix.
this is a plan.
haha my pleasure!
she loves him.. but she's got this extremely stupid excuse for leaving him. but then fair enough she's seeing 'signs'. but still. religious blair is a little difficult for me to comprehend. especially after her anti-christian behavior. lol.
I just can't believe that she actually sees these things as signs. That's so not the Blair that we know :O And I feel so sorry for Dan not just because Blair doesn't love him, but because she doesn't even kow that he loves him (at least I think she doesn't know, otherwise she wasn't acting so blind in episode 10 :/ )
fksdfsdkajfs. i was like WHAT?! but then there were so many parts of the episode that were totally ridiculous. like the pictures of her and dan where they're standing like two completely normal people and louis and chuck are like OMG they must be having an affair they look suspiciously intimate. i was like lol no.
i know.. and have you read any spoilers? i won't ruin it for you!
i actually liked serena this episode though. she was really intelligent for once in her life. and nate too. natefused is like his classic face though.
did you see last night's episode? djskfla;dslfkj. worst.
And yes. Nothing says love like hiring an investigator to go snoop on your fiance/supposed-love-of-your-life/devastated-mother-of-the-child-you've-just-lost to see if she's cheating on you. He is actually a giant dick.
And on top of that--I know his accent is supposed to be French and sexy, but he just sounds like he has some sort of mental affliction half the time. It's just...ew.
Ok wow Louis rant sorry.
oh definitely! and um.. where was louis when blair was in hospital?! or when she lost her baby.. like wtf?
i don't really like his accent. it sounds really fake even though it isn't. ahahah! totally!
no worries. it's mutual hate.
thanks so much!
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