it was the end of december, count the days till dawn

Jan 17, 2012 16:01

Title: never knew i could love someone like i love you
Fandom: gossip girl
Characters: dan humphrey (pov), blair waldorf, minor chuck, louis and serena
Pairing: blair/louis, aspirations of dan/blair
Warnings: spoilers for 5x11, but otherwise none
Summary: you're good enough for her, he tells him. like it should matter what chuck thinks.

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fandom: gossip girl, fanfiction: gossip girl, character: chuck bass, pairing: blair/dan, character: serena van der woodsen, character: blair waldorf, character: dan humphrey, pairing: blair/chuck, fanfiction

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personaleclipse January 17 2012, 17:13:48 UTC
nono, I don't want him to let her go *.* nice fic though, I liked it, it's just so... bitter. During last night's episode I felt so heartbroken :S I would love them to be together so much, and before the episode I was actually hoping that she will choose him, but I guess Blair just loves Chuck too much :S (btw, was I the only one who felt confused about Blair being religious? o_O)


enemeriad January 18 2012, 00:37:59 UTC
naw, i know. but i don't know if the writers are going to take that route and it makes me so sad so i had to write this as a form of therapy.

she loves him.. but she's got this extremely stupid excuse for leaving him. but then fair enough she's seeing 'signs'. but still. religious blair is a little difficult for me to comprehend. especially after her anti-christian behavior. lol.


personaleclipse January 18 2012, 00:49:26 UTC
I don't see much hope for them either, especially that if they going to split Blair and Louis, then the writer's choice won't be Dan... :( and besides that, then the show accidentally had some sense (I mean Chuck and Louis "singing in the rain" together? seriously?)

I just can't believe that she actually sees these things as signs. That's so not the Blair that we know :O And I feel so sorry for Dan not just because Blair doesn't love him, but because she doesn't even kow that he loves him (at least I think she doesn't know, otherwise she wasn't acting so blind in episode 10 :/ )


enemeriad January 18 2012, 01:32:03 UTC
agreeeeed! but then i think they're giving them this amazing friendship and developing it slowly.. i mean maybe, maybe they're going to give them a chance. maybe chuck and blair won't be endgame. i can only hope.

fksdfsdkajfs. i was like WHAT?! but then there were so many parts of the episode that were totally ridiculous. like the pictures of her and dan where they're standing like two completely normal people and louis and chuck are like OMG they must be having an affair they look suspiciously intimate. i was like lol no.

i know.. and have you read any spoilers? i won't ruin it for you!

i actually liked serena this episode though. she was really intelligent for once in her life. and nate too. natefused is like his classic face though.


personaleclipse January 18 2012, 02:10:42 UTC
yeah, but tell a fangirl to take somethign slow :D it's just not in our dictionary xD

oh, those really convincing pictures... I was trying so hard to see something into them, but they really were normal. And the "secret apartment"... I just don't get it how Chuck didn't know that it was a church o_O

no, I haven't read spoilers, I don't have any good gg sources :S

omg, natefused :D this should be a real word :P
well as much as I want Dan and Blair together, that Serena thing was funny. At least I was laughing through the whole thing :D But again, I don't quite understand how could anyone believe it... and the other thing I don't know/understand, why would anyone want to kill Nate?? :O


enemeriad January 18 2012, 10:58:56 UTC
haha, how true.

you'd think with a personal detective he wouldn't have figured it out considering he knew it was being 'rented' by them. the whole story didn't make any sense at all. i mean really. dan and serena were dating but it was photos with blair and dan? ridiculous.

aw, has heaaaps. but it's probably best not to read them. you might even be pleasantly surpirsed when the episode comes out.

totally. it's his one expression.
ME TOO. it was pretty unbelievable though. ajsdkfla;s i want dair so bad. i just want to make them kiss again.
.....i won't ruin it for you. but there are people.


personaleclipse January 18 2012, 17:15:53 UTC
there was so many weird things in that episode... but besided the dair-chair thing, the other one that bothered me was charlie. or the way the handled her story. ok, lily found the real charlie, and we all knew that she's the real one, then why had they to show us that picture about her and her mom? as we didn't know the first minute who she was -.-" (not even mention that lily and cece are always so proud of the name rhodes, then how could lily belive that there is another charlie rhodes? :O)

well I guess the 2 more exams before me are big enough of a force to hold me from jumping into gg spoilers (Y)

oh, another dair kiss *.* just the thought of that... omgkjmlhvgk

hm, that's interesting. nate looks so innocent like he was from a different show where everybody is nice and good. I can't imagine how could he even get enemies...


enemeriad January 19 2012, 11:04:59 UTC
hhahhaha i know. it was the pan to the photo and i was like 'and this shot is for the dimmer viewers' hahaha.

aw goodluck! which exams are they?


oh you'll see! ;)


personaleclipse January 19 2012, 13:59:41 UTC
well let's hope that the next episode will be better (:

today had a media exam, and tomorrow I will have a social communication :/ but then I'm done with exams :P I just can't wait for doing nothing^^

damn, now I actually care about what will happen with nate xD oh, and I hope he will have some more business with gossip girl :D


enemeriad January 19 2012, 14:49:55 UTC
let's hope. from what i've heard.. idk.

aw goodluck!

haha, you migth be pleasantly surprised. yes! the takedown was totally sjkfdla;sdk. like 'oh gossip girl will go down' and she hears this somehow miraculously and shuts up. like wow.


personaleclipse January 24 2012, 16:38:53 UTC
I just watched the new episode, and... serioulsly, what da hell was this??? I thought that last week's episode was the worst, but it seems I was wrong :S


enemeriad January 25 2012, 08:42:05 UTC
jafkdls;falksdjf it's so frustrating watching it. they're pushing chair so much it's so annoying I want to stab the writers in the face. it's like omg blair just stop being so dumb and be with him if you want stop whinging about it.

and dan.. i feel so bad for him. i have a really really bad feeling blair's going to choose chuck because she's stooooopid.


personaleclipse January 25 2012, 12:43:45 UTC
yeah, and not just chair, this whole episode :O uhh, horrible :S everybody was acting so OOC -.-"

and the most frustrating thing was, when it turned out that Dan wrote Louis vow... I mean Blair was drooling about it, how perfect is it, and he "Louis" knows her and blahblahblah, but pls, for God's sake, even the writers admitted with this, that Dan's got a chance with Blair!! *.* then why do we have to deal with Chuck? Seriously, Chair's playing their games since...well, since season 1, it's time to decide what will happen with them. And I really don't think they sould be endgame :S
And this fake Dan-Serena relationship... hilarious -.-" Oh, and since when does Serena need these little tricks to get a guy? When she lied to Dan about what Blair asked from them, I didn't undertsand how could Dan believe that. I mean with an explanation like that... "so Louis won't be suspicious" pls, he's even more simple-minded sometimes than Nate...
After episodes like this, I'm wondering why am I even watching this show o_O


enemeriad February 3 2012, 04:55:48 UTC
ugh well the writers have just given up on the old characterisations and on saving the show so...

OMG BUT SERIOUSLY that whole storyline.. WHY WOULD DAN DO THAT. i was so frustrated. there was so plausible explanation for it AT ALL.

ugh chair is so 2009. it needs to stop. i dont understand how people still ship it. it's an abusive, damaging relationship that needs to end foreverr.

omg how funny is it though! serena is so desperate and just pathetic and dan is being pretty dumb too about the whole thing.

me too.. but the dair though.. it's what makes me come back.


personaleclipse February 3 2012, 09:03:57 UTC
I just read on tumblr, that the Chair fans are so agressive, and they went all hating on the Dair fans, just because of the new stills... btw, have you seen those adorable Dair stills??? *.* they give me some HOPE ♥

but on the other hand, there are those Chair stills, and the whole situation is like ancient with the Chuck talking to Blair and Blair running away thing! idk the writers how could not see that Chair is over...


enemeriad February 3 2012, 10:47:40 UTC
aw i did i did! they are the best! i hope all the insinuations in them come truuuue.
ugh chair fans need to calm down and stop channelling chuck. it's not like dair fans write the show (it'd be so much better if we did.)

dkjfa;lsdfkajs;dlk i know. chuck trying to persuade her to come back to him and her not wanting to. i'm so sick of this show, seriously. i only, only, only watch for dair and only because it's all over tumblr and i get all this hope.. which kind of disappears when i watch the show. guh.


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