Lewis Friending Meme

Sep 16, 2012 11:03

Lewis is still such a tiny fandom comparing to others, so I thought a friending meme might be a good idea! You can't ever have enough Lewis people on your Live Journal to chat to, right?

So, how does this work?

+ copy and paste the question template in your reply
+ feel free to add or remove things, no need to answer anything you don't want to :)
+ pimp this friending post in your own journal

Question Template

Tell us a little about you:
What do you like most about Lewis:
Favourite Character:
Favourite Ship(s):
Are you interested in the actors (i.e. other roles and work) as well?
Other Fandoms/Interests:
What kind of things do you post on your LJ:
Any other places you hang out:
Anything else you'd like to add:

Tell others about this friending meme:

http://enednoviel.livejournal.com/848719.html">http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/enednoviel/715358/695246/695246_600.jpg" border=0>
Lewis Friending Meme

inspector lewis, meme

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