Sep 04, 2006 08:30
Couple of quick questions.
I recently went back on the BCP (was off for a year) and I have the Mirena IUD
a) I was on it so long before I couldnt remember- did anyone else gain weight after they went back on the pill? I just finished Lupron so it may be related to that- I am also retaining massive amounts of water which makes me want to cry- former/current ED and body issues. Any tips for dealing with that?
b) did anyone notice a sharp or severe increase in pain either coming off of Lupron or starting on the BCP? The pain has increased so badly that I cant move or breathe or eat. It comes on without warning- usually late at night. But Percocet (two of them even) does not even touch this pain-
c) Does eating ever trigger pain for you?
d) Do you ever get sharp pains (uterus/ovaries) when you exercise?