-Taken directly from posting on Hongfire. No link as one must be a member to access the thread.-
So volume 1 of Funimation’s take on Shuffle! was successfully put on the shelves at the proper time. (Side note that ADV postponed the release of Gurren Lagann for some reason...) My BestBuy had six copies, so I examined each on until I found the two copies I deemed pristine enough to buy. I will say that I am saddened that BestBuy put their price sticker over the “Pin Up Poster” sunburst. Additionally one cannot remove the overlaid sticker without damaging the one underneath. I may need to buy another copy…..Sigh.
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h185/endofanubis/Volume1DVD.jpg Well the first shot I have is the front and back of volume 1 with the original release showcasing the same beauty; Nerine. As I mentioned earlier, I like the cover. The loss of the trim is not a horrible thing, but I don’t see why it was taken off. The back cover is good too. Same sort of style one finds on the back of the Shuffle! Memories DVDs. You all can make your own judgments on the clamshell. I will say that since Funimation used a clear DVD case they could have made the cover reversible, giving us another solo/dual shot of the girls. Instead we get a collage of images from the show.
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h185/endofanubis/Volume1Insert.jpg The second picture is of the “Pin Up Poster” we get. One sided. Uses the cover image from the Prologue DVD with a shadow image of one of the bonus DVD covers.
As far as the DVD itself, I can live with it. That is if I completely ignore the fact that there is an English track. I do not have any real beef with the translations (yet) as very little adlibbing (Japanese track-wise) seems to have been done from the original script that Funimation used for translation. Though they should have been more consistent with how Shin-chan addressed Rin. The first time it was “Rin,” then “Rin-Dono,” (correct), then twice “Rin-kun” (completely off) then back to “Rin-Dono.” Interestingly, in the credits for episode one, they list “KKK cpt.” just like in the Japanese release.
Extras are just the clean opening and ending without credits. Point of interest is that they are using the “late night”/Japanese DVD opening. That is the one with little Nerine’s and Lycoris’ nipples drawn on. If people can recall for the first half of the series, the ‘on air’ versions of the openings did not have these.
I must say that I really liked the menu layouts. My praise goes to the individual responsible. Nicely done. Each one was sort of a mini-homage to Nerine. What’s not to like?
That is just my summation of things nice a quick. Don’t want to fill up too much space. But I will be happy to answer any questions or post more pictures if requested.
http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h185/endofanubis/PostcardPromos.jpg This last photo is of the 365 promotional postcards from Funimation. Front, stack of extras, Back. Notice these all say February 12th, 2008.