Dec 18, 2006 22:51
Hey how about an update, and since nobody ever checks these things anymore I can write whatever it is that I might want. Finished up college today, finally, and now I just have to wait for the last final grade. Maybe that is why I am so antsy and annoyed at the moment.
Don’t have to go back to work until the new year either since I hate that place and everything it creates. And while on the topic of my idiot work let us delve into something else that is bugging the living heck out of me. That is the notion of reciprocity. Being in my position and of my ethical stature I can aid those I want a great deal, and for the most part I have and gotten little if nothing out of it. Any chore or action I make people do for me only expedites whatever plan I would have carried out on my own. So that is my gain; an advancement of my calendar, other people gain tremendously and I have always hated people gaining something for nothing. Now that Wiis are all the craze added desires for these are put forth and people plead for my help in obtaining them. You know what; I might have been far more open to all this tripe if people had taken a little effort in order to amuse me. Nobody did, and so I have been brewing over a decision to stop any sort of aid that I have provided in the past. All existing gains will be held hostage for future use for me as I see fit.
Such simple things can be done to keep my favor but nobody takes advantage of them. I don’t even know for sure that I will be returning to my idiot work, but have secured a trove of seeds to use when they mature later. But as it stands, I am very upset and annoyed right now. Whether this is due to the last missing grade, not playing Super Swing Golf today, or whatever, but I am at this moment ceasing all aid.
I’m sure Nerine would have something to say, but it would not doubt be unbecoming for a lady. Oh yeah, and where the FREAK are my Navel Lycee cards? Bloody heck!