(no subject)

Feb 17, 2007 11:02

Basically I'm killing time while waiting for my partner to hurry the hell up and post information online, or at least get in touch with me again.
This is why I hate group projects, especially online ones. At least in a classroom setting, you'd be able to SEE the person every day, and get feedback from them. It would be much easier to get in contact. Instead, I'm left cooling my heels and wondering when the hell she's going to contribute something to this project.

Yes, I'm still sick and grumpy too. My voice has gone all weird and growly . . . just ask Kat. I sound like my metaphorical testicles have dropped. She says this voice, oddly enough, goes with my inner gay man. Damn. I'm speaking as deeply as my little bro? Who knows, anyway, I'm still sick. Yes, still popping pills. Breakfast of champions indeed. No, I'm not overdosing, in fact, I'm probably underdosing. I had two of the possible four yesterday. Or did I even have two? Can't remember. One so far today. Feeling a bit woozy, but that's natural when I'm not eating properly. I did have some orange juice this morning.

Can't seem to stir myself to eat anything available. Last night I found the chicken noodle soup Mother promised, but it was the canned variety and so I could only stand eating it that one time. The thought of a repeat performance makes me feel a little nauseous. I still haven't managed to hunt anything down for today. Out of curiosity, I'm going to go see what I weigh. Being sick is the only time I seem to be able to stop myself from eating, so this is as close to anorexia as I get. Hell, I want to see if I've lost any weight.
(Disclaimer: Don't worry, all, I shall resume eating my way towards chubbiness *sarcasm* as soon as I'm better again.)
Hahaha! How lame, I still weigh 111 lbs. Knowing my luck, I'll start GAINING weight.
Enough of that.

Ryan just can't get enough of guitar hero II, can he? He's been rocking out in the living room with the volume turned way up for the past couple of weeks, and almost nonstop for the past two days. Good gods, man, give it a rest, will you? I;ll never be able to listen to any of those songs ever again without wanting to scream, damn you, you're ruining good music for me!
*puts bucket over head*
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