Jan 07, 2010 17:31


The week is finally finished~

We had our foundation day today. Or whatever it was called xD. And I participated in 1 game xP. It’s better that nothing, ne? :D. And I like shouted my throat out while cheering for our team but surprisingly, I still have a complete voice so far xD. Well, I guess if you hang out with friends like mine who’s noisy when there’s no teacher around and gets ultimately crazy during gimmicks then yea, your voice won’t get damaged xP. My friend and I even sang songs when we were sitting under the benches xDDDD. Yea~ we’re SO random ;#. And when we were watching slash cheering while sitting on the bench under the sun, I remembered something that made me go into fangirl mode for a good 3 seconds. Coz of course I can’t be in my fangirl mode while I’m in school, nya~. And it was Horikoshi sports day. And I remembered Ryosuke’s picture when he was sitting somewhere and he looked a bit hot because of the sun shining and he had glasses on. A;adla’dlakdáfkafasfjsjfflask;jfafkjasjfsjfsjfas;ljkglgjk.

But I’ll try my best to keep updated and comment to those posts I want to comment at. LOL it doesn’t make any sense xP. But it’ll be a bit hard coz I still need to prepare the papers and stuff that I need for Sunday and I need to pass my report to the leader of our group for our group report for Social Studies which is I still don’t know when. I hope we’ least 4th to report ^^.

And yea, I participated in the tug of war. It’s not played with a rope though. We use each other’s hands and arms to lock our bodies together. And our team won!! ;P. But since we were at the end, we didn’t exert a bit of effort since it’s all at the front. All we just did there was to move backward xP.


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